সজাগ (সমাজ ও জাতি গঠন) ‘সজাগ’ (সমাজ ও জাতি গঠন) শৈলান, ধামরাই, ঢাকা একটি সু-প্রতিষ্ঠিত উন্নয়ন সংস্থা যা পিকেএসএফ ও ব্যাংক-এর আর্থিক সহায়তায় পরিচালিত। এমআরএ-এর নিবন্ধন নং-০১২৯৪-০২৮৭-০০০১১ ও এনজিও বিষয়ক ব্যুরো (নিবন্ধন নং ৪৫৩-এর সনদ প্রাপ্ত সংস্থাটি “কৃত্রিম প্রজনন কার্যক্রম” বাস্তবায়নের লক্ষ্যে নিম্নলিখিত পদে নিয়োগের জন্য যোগ্য প্রার্থীদের নিকট হতে দরখাস্ত আহবান করছে। ১.পদের নামঃ ভেটেরিনারিয়ান, নূন্যতম শিক্ষাগত যোগ্যতা […]

With a heavy heart we inform you that Mr. Md. Abdul Majid, the Treasurer of SOJAG Executive Committee, passed away on Nov. 25, 2020 following a massive heart attack. He was one of the founding members of SOJAG. In his capacity as the Treasurer, he was actively involved with SOJAG and its activities. We deeply mourn his passing away and […]

SOJAG Seed Plant
Agriculture being the foundation of Bangladesh economy and coupled with the fact that 85% of SOJAG’s target population is dependent on agriculture, SOJAG in 1999 launched Agriculture program with assistance from DANIDA. The main objectives of the program were to disseminate correct and appropriate information on crop technology, increase efficiency and effective utilization and use of agricultural inputs for maximizing […]

SOJAG Training Center
The construction of the 8-storied SOJAG Development Management Institute, located in Kalampur, Dhamrai, is now complete. Each floor has a space of 3000 sq. feet. The building will house the office and studios of SOJAG Radio, Training rooms, hostels, meeting rooms and an auditorium. It will have space for youth involved in ‘out-sourcing’ work. The topmost floor has sound proof […]

SOJAG Multi-Storied Building at Kalampur
The construction of the 7-storied office building of SOJAG located at Kalampur is going on at full swing. Each floor will have about 3600 square feet of space. The building will house the office and studio of SOJAG Radio, Training rooms, hostels, meeting rooms and an auditorium. It will have space for youth involved in ‘out-sourcing’ work. The building will […]

SOJAG Cattle for Qurbani
SOJAG has arranged sale of a substantial number of cattle for Qurbani. These cattles were raised in the mini farm operated by SOJAG. Eeach cattle head is indexed and categorized by weight, chest measurement and the approximate amount of beef each cattle is expected to produce.

Combined Harvester
SOJAG procured a Combined Harvester from BRRI (Bangladesh Rice Research Institute) on loan for a month and had it deployed in harvesting IRRI crop recently in Shailan and other adjoining villages of Dhamrai. This awesome machine can harvest one acre of paddy field in about an hour. The paddy is separated from the stalks and collected in a sack leaving […]

SOJAG Pathological Lab
In an effort to bring diagnostic services closer to the reach and to provide routine pathological tests for the villagers in and around Shailan, SOJAG has established a Pathological Lab housed in SOJAG Headquarters. The Lab performs routine blood and other tests including ECG at affordable costs. This facility was established in response to popular and felt need of the […]

SOJAG Workplan 2014
A Work-Plan session was organized on November 9 with the senior staff of SOJAG. Mr. Fazlul Kader, Deputy Managing Director, PKSF was also present. Mr. Kader also met and had discussions with farmer representatives on various issues related to agriculture and livestock programs. The participants put forward a number of suggestions for his consideration. The loan for cow-fattening should be […]

Motor Bikes for Staff
The working areas of SOJAG include total coverage of all the villages of Dhamrai upazila and a few adjacent villages of the upazilas of Mirzapur, Singair, Shaturia, Kaliakoir and Savar and the total number of villages amount to around 350. The communication within these villages is difficult, arduous and time consuming. In order to facilitate more effective monitoring and supervision, […]

Visitors From Japan
A 5-member delegation from OGAKI UNESCO Association, Japan visited SOJAG from November 23-26. During their stay they visited Dhantara and Kawlipara Branches of SOJAG and its Head Office at Shailan. SOJAG and OAU have a long history of partnership. It has been providing technical assistance and cooperation in running and implementing the Pre-School Program. It should also be mentioned that […]

SOJAG Grants for Savar Rana Plaza Victims
SOJAG, a local NGO had identified 33 families who lost their dear ones and those who were physically injured. On 8th July it organized an event where all the families were brought in and cash grants were awarded to the families. Each of the families received grants up to Tk. 60,000 for starting different livelihood earning projects of each family’s […]

Initiative to Cultivate Exotic and New Varieties of Crops
In order to enable families and farmers to grow high nutrition content fruits and vegetables, 30 persons, including 20 women, were provided training on mushroom cultivation from the Mushroom Development and Extension Center at Savar. So far 1,700 Spawn packets have been distributed amongst them. SOJAG has procured ‘Malta’ and exotic varieties of Lemon saplings from nurseries in Sylhet and […]

Does this Child know!?!
Look at his eyes, the facial expression, fingers on his chin, the raised eyebrow!! But how can he? He is only 9 months old! How could he know that his father is one of the hundreds of others who lost their lives in one of the worst industrial disasters in history! His father worked in a Garments Factory located in […]

Computerization of SOJAG Micro Credit Program
In June, 2013, DataSoft Systems Bangladesh Limited and SOJAG (Somaj-O-Jati Gathan), Dhamrai, Dhaka have signed a contract to work together to automate Microfinance business process for SOJAG. SOJAG (Somaj-O-Jati Gathan) has 14 branches in total along with Head Office. All branches and head office will be brought under “MicroFin360” services by DataSoft. With that end in view SOJAG has procured […]

The Lucky One!
Nasir is one of the lucky ones to be alive. But his story was so amazing that belied reason and logic! He said he was on the 8th floor and as the building started to shake he was so driven by panic that he just jumped out the window from the 8th floor and landing on a tin roof seven […]

Agricultural Development And Extension Program
a) Agriculture Credit & Farmer Insurance In 2013 SOJAG provided credit to 14,907 farmers the total outstanding of which amounts to Tk. 1,872,310,038. In an effort to extend insurance coverage for the farmers each recipient of credit is required to pay a flat insurance premium of Tk. 30 at the time of loan repayment. In 2012 Amon season at total […]

Rural Micro-Credit
This program, especially for rural women for increasing their social awareness and income generating activities, is being implemented in 348 villages of 44 unions under 4 districts. A total of 13,522 women have been brought under this program. Currently, 7,584 women are on the rolls receiving credit with more than 80 million Taka and their total savings amount to Tk.35,593,900. […]