SOJAG Workplan 2014
A Work-Plan session was organized on November 9 with the senior staff of SOJAG. Mr. Fazlul Kader, Deputy Managing Director, PKSF was also present. Mr. Kader also met and had discussions with farmer representatives on various issues related to agriculture and livestock programs. The participants put forward a number of suggestions for his consideration.
- The loan for cow-fattening should be for one year. Experiences have shown that raising livestock with the Qurbani Eid in view have not been that profitable. If the time span for the loan is extended farmers will have the choice of selling off their cattle whenever the market is favorable yielding more profit.
- Loans for Milking Cows should be for at least 3 years. Usually a cow produces adequate milk for about 3-4 years. Thus it would be possible for a farmer to pay loan instalments from the sale proceeds of milk and the calves, if required.
- In order to encourage farmers to take up mini livestock farming, loans for setting up such mini farms should be for 5 years which would provide the farmers enough leeway and freedom to pay back loans fully.
The second part of the Session was devoted to discussion on a number of projects and programs that SOJAG would solicit financial assistance from PKSF. The programs include the following:
- Establishment of a 200-metric ton Seed the Store
- Establishment of a Chilling Plant to process milk produced by local farmers
- Establishment of a “Bull Station” in association with the concerned department of the Agriculture University
- Establishment of a Permanent Guti Urea Plant
- The establishment of a Community Radio Station for which SOJAG has already been primarily selected by the Ministry of Information.